Ham Sandwich
Ham Sandwich are an Irish indie band from Kells, Co. Meath. They have been around and about in one very interesting shape or another since 2003, but it wasn’t until the autumn of 2005 – with the release of their debut single, ‘Sad Songs’ – that they began to be known outside their home county.
In October of 2010 Ham Sandwich released their second LP entitled ‘White Fox’. Jam packed with potential radio hits, the first single lifted from the album entitled The Naturist signalled a different direction and intent by the band. It was not until February 2011 that Ham Sandwich finally reached their biggest audience yet with the release of their track ANTS combining their knack of creating a memorable pop melody with a dark twist. Aided greatly by an ingenious animated video, the track became a viral hit on the Internet accumulating over 120,000 hits on youtube to date. It went on to win best animated video at the 3rd Silversound festival in New York in January of this year. Due to the breakout success of ‘White Fox’ in 2011 the band have appeared at SXSW in Texas, Popkomm in Berlin and the twin festivals in Leeds & Reading in the UK.