2021 Update

Well, this pandemic has lasted a lot longer than we anticipated!! Unfortunately, due to the continuing Covid 19 restrictions we are unable to plan for a 2021 festival. We are taking a little break while the live events calendar is eerily quiet, but hope to be back soon. There will be no Vantastival festival in…

Keeping Busy

It seems like forever since we made the call back in March to postpone Vantastival 2020, just two days before the whole country went into lockdown. At the time, like everyone, we were hopeful that Covid 19 would pass and we would be able to bring everyone together for a delayed festival in mid-September. Alas…

Claim your refund

  Deadline for refund claims is Sunday 19th July Just a reminder to all ticket-buyers for this year’s festival that the deadline for claiming a refund is midnight on Sunday 19th July. All ticket-buyers have been emailed through Eventbrite, with reminder emails also sent to those who had not yet submitted the claim form. If…