We’re nominated for a European Festival Award!

Vantastival We're nominated for a European Festival Award! Vote 300x250 1 Vantastival We're nominated for a European Festival Award!Vantastival We're nominated for a European Festival Award! vote for us

Vantastival is nominated in the “Best Small Festival” category at the 2017 European Festival Awards!

The European Festival Awards celebrate the continent’s most vibrant live events and all of those who make them happen, and the jury comprises industry experts and festival promoters from at least ten European countries. Online voting is open at eu.festivalawards.com/vote/ until 30th November. The winners will be announced during the European Festival Awards ceremony on January 17th at De Oosterpoort in Groningen, Netherlands.

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Vantastival We're nominated for a European Festival Award! Vote now

Vantastival We're nominated for a European Festival Award!

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